Google has a reputation for rolling out far-reaching changes at a moment’s notice. Today, it was announced that Google is merging its Google Places pages with their new Google+ Local initiative. While this move adds benefits and options for consumers and G+ users, it creates a lot of new potential challenges for Google Places Page and Google+ Business Page administrators.
Search Results for: google plus
10 Effective Link Building Tactics for B2B Marketing
Building a link profile has become an integral part of any industrial digital marketing strategy. However, finding methods to get backlinks seems incredibly difficult for most businesses, mainly because they don’t follow consistent link building tactics. To help address this issue, below is a list of the most effective link building tactics for B2B companies…. Read more »
How to Approach SEO for Manufacturers
Organic traffic is one of the principal lead-generation approaches for many industries, which means that SEO for manufacturers should be of primary importance. However, most manufacturing firms are still behind the curve when it comes to this invaluable marketing channel. And it is understandable — SEO is a complicated process, especially for a segment that hasn’t… Read more »
How to Increase B2B Brand Awareness
Brand awareness is one of the most important aspects of running your business and B2B brand awareness can be a real challenge, especially when you consider that most of the existing literature about branding focuses on B2C marketing. Here’s what you need to know to take your industrial business’s brand to the next level. How… Read more »
Why B2B Marketers Should Focus on Inbound Calls
In the brave new world of B2B digital marketing, the idea of focusing on inbound calls may seem antiquated. Not only do phone calls seem to make use of outdated technology (the phone sounds so twentieth century), but the idea of maintaining a call center to receive inbound calls seems like a relic of the… Read more »
15 Questions to Ask Your Industrial Website Developer
Building an industrial website is like laying a foundation for a home. Your website is the keystone for most of your digital marketing efforts. It’s a resource for both attracting potential customers and adding value for your current customers. You don’t want to take chances when creating one. Since the inception of Industrial Strength Marketing… Read more »
Industrial Digital Marketing Roundup
We’re just four months in and 2015 has already brought us some important trends and technology that could affect industrial digital marketing. With every significant change or technological advance come new projections and predictions about what the “hottest” and “niftiest” digital marketing trends will be. But with niche markets, such as industrial B2B (business-to-business) marketing,… Read more »
3 Great Social Media Tools for Business
As an industrial business, chances are you probably don’t consider social media an essential part of your digital marketing strategy. Many industrials shy away from social media because it can be time consuming without delivering an immediately evident, tangible return. While social media may not be a leading source of potential clients, there are a number… Read more »