What can you learn from the competition? Here are some questions to ask and some tools to use.
Many small and medium manufacturers struggle with committing time to work “on” the business, whether it’s for market research, B2B sales enablement, scouting for opportunities with product enhancements or supply chain management. A competitive analysis can be a great opportunity to focus the company on a key aspect of the business. In many ways, it… Read more »
Email performance plateaued? Pay some attention to those disengaged subscribers — in the right way.
No matter what you’re selling, your email list is one of your most important marketing tools. But at some point, we all notice a drop-off in interaction from our subscribers. For industrial sellers, long sales cycles make it particularly common for your leads and buyers to lose interest over time. That means that creating an… Read more »
Gone are the days when sales could be left to tribal knowledge. It's time to put a system in place.
The transfer of tribal knowledge has been a dilemma for years for manufacturers. The context usually is around the difficulty in finding, hiring, training and retaining replacements for key machine operators who are aging out. The skilled worker shortage still exists, though in many cases it is for new skill sets as Industry 4.0 demands… Read more »
What's the best way to turn a lead into a client? Your marketing funnel can show you.
A marketing funnel is the set of steps that a potential lead takes to become a client. Your marketing strategy should ultimately guide this process, whether you work in a B2B or B2C marketing field. A proper marketing funnel can increase revenue, production, and your overall loyal customer base. Manufacturers that institute marketing funnels will… Read more »
You don't have to be a salesperson to support the sales process. Here's how everyone can contribute.
The cliche about how “everyone in our company is in sales” is not accurate, but in many ways just about everyone in your industrial company can help with sales enablement. Effective B2B sales enablement does more than align the marketing and sales teams. It ensures that a cohesive, persuasive message is presented to industrial buyers… Read more »
If you're hiring a marketing agency, you should get along. Use these techniques to ensure a good fit.
How bad can a business culture clash be between a client and their marketing agency? Well, it can actually make or break the relationship — one that you, as someone who needs marketing agency support, definitely want to be successful. We all know that culture is more than skin deep, even when it comes to the… Read more »
There's always room to improve your customers' experience. Try these tips to increase their satisfaction.
Manufacturing SaaS products are becoming more and more popular as manufacturers develop their Industry 4.0 strategies and become more integrated, data-driven organizations. In the front of the house, there is an accelerated adoption of more “traditional” SaaS products, such as CRMs, to help manage sales and accounting functions. But manufacturing SaaS products are also taking… Read more »
Faced with long buying cycles that make ROI difficult to track? Start with these suggestions.
The ROI of industrial marketing begins with understanding the difference between data and analytics. It’s great that your company collected 50 leads in the past month, but are they good leads? Where did they come from? The next month, when you have 35 leads, is that a bad thing? The essentials for determining your ROI… Read more »