We’ve all seen them — websites that cram too much information onto one page without providing a clear hierarchy or structure. When doing UX (user experience) design, you have to make it easy for your audience to find information or they’ll go elsewhere. Your job as an industrial marketer is to organize information in a way… Read more »
Conversational Writing for Industrial Marketing
As industrial marketers, we often rely on formal language to communicate with our technical audiences. Years of writing white papers and detailed case studies have taught us to avoid colloquialisms, always write in the third person, and never start a sentence with “but.” But is that how we should always write? We default to formal… Read more »
Social Media for Business: The Bottom Line
The recent outcropping of services that analyze the effect of social media sentiment on stock prices is a clear declaration that social media tangibly influences the value of publicly traded companies. It is also a major touchpoint in the ongoing line of inquiry that attempts to ascribe clear ROI metrics and dollar values to social… Read more »
Why Your Customers Don’t Trust You
Do you trust me? Better yet, do your customers trust you? Even more importantly do you know the elements important for building customer trust? Trust is an issue approached and researched every year in the Edelman Trust Barometer and it’s one report that never goes unread in this office. To truly understand how to communicate with people and… Read more »
Coffee, Soda, and the Maguire Manifesto
Do you remember the scene in Jerry Maguire when he has his epiphany and wrote his “Mission Statement” for the future of his business and owning his industry’s brand stories? I would hope you do because it pretty much starts the movie and sets the entire story in motion, but just in case you’ve forgotten, here’s… Read more »
The Merger of Google Places and Google+ Business Pages
Google has a reputation for rolling out far-reaching changes at a moment’s notice. Today, it was announced that Google is merging its Google Places pages with their new Google+ Local initiative. While this move adds benefits and options for consumers and G+ users, it creates a lot of new potential challenges for Google Places Page and Google+ Business Page administrators.
Rise of the Social Media Entrepreneur
Question: Is it true that everyone is in sales? Answer: Yes, and if they know what’s good for them, they better be! Incentivizing Sales Across Your Entire Organization Relying exclusively on traditional sales processes driven by “salespeople” is inhibiting your company’s growth potential. Your technicians, the subject matter experts in their respective disciplines, are an… Read more »
Content Marketing for Busy Technical Clients
If you’re anything like me, you work for clients that have multiple Ph.Ds in obscure technical fields such as encapsulated radioactive isotopes or nonwoven geotextiles. Part of our job as content marketers is condensing our client’s expertise into marketable web copy, sell sheets, brochures, videos, etc. Unfortunately, many technical clients are far too busy with… Read more »