Everyone in the SEO world knows now that a backlink strategy is crucial. Backlinks are power. And yes, SEO specialists release lists of link building strategies nearly every day. Still, it is hard to define whether a particular backlink recommendation will work for you until you try it. This article does something a little different…. Read more »
Posts Categorized: Search Engine Marketing Strategy
Taking a Holistic Approach to Search Engines
Much like the larger world around us, the industrial information ecosystem has become very fragmented. People consume information in all sorts of ways through all sorts of channels. But everyone uses search engines, which represent an opportunity to connect fragmented audiences around a common marketing message. Why Search Engines Matter So Much Right Now Why… Read more »
5 Actionable Tips to Improve Your Google Ads Performance
Google Ads has grown to become the most widely used form of online advertising today, which is what makes Google Ads performance such an important topic for all marketers, including industrial marketers. From dish soap to the oil and gas industry, Google Ads is used in nearly every industry around the world. With this influx… Read more »
Why You’re Spending More on Online Advertising Than You Think
“Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget Rule No. 1.” —Warren Buffett With statistics showing that 8% of Internet users account for 85% of display ad clicks and with conflicting reports on the effectiveness of PPC ads, it’s not surprising that many businesses are taking a hard look at their online… Read more »
7 Reasons Your Site May Get Hit with a Google Penalty
Why do some sites suffer a Google penalty, or a fall in search rankings? Well, Google’s primary goal is to provide the most useful, relevant content to its users. Since 2000, Google has been tweaking its algorithm to streamline the ranking process to get users the best answer to their queries. It does this by mixing… Read more »
Our Favorite PPC Tools
Of all the marketing channels available to your business, pay-per-click advertising (PPC) can easily seem like the most technical and confusing, which is why it really helps to have some good PPC tools at your disposal for managing these sorts of campaigns. Without a good platform operated by staff trained in digital media, PPC can… Read more »
How Mobile Affects Google Search Quality
Google is notorious for its reticence about how it determines search quality. They prefer not to reveal too much about how exactly they display results in their search index. Even after leaks of their Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines, they still didn’t let their customers (us) in on their closely guarded secrets. That is, until now…. Read more »
How to Fix Onsite E-Commerce Duplicate Content
In an earlier post, we explored how e-commerce and online catalog search engine rankings are affected by offsite duplicate content, which is content that is taken from one source and repeated on other domains. This article, in turn, focuses on correcting a content challenge you have more control over — onsite e-commerce duplicate content. Onsite duplicate content… Read more »