You've hear a lot about AI. But where does it make sense to use it as a marketer? It's time to find out.
In the past five to 10 years, artificial intelligence (AI) has moved from something primarily talked about on television and science-fiction novels to being a normal part of marketing technology and strategy conversations. However, whether called “machine learning,” “big data deep learning,” or some other terminology, the process of using computers to compute large amounts… Read more »
What happens when you further mingle content and technology? We're about to find out.
B2B marketing tactics have constantly evolved to better reflect market behavior. In the past year, businesses have had to reconsider popular marketing practices to keep up with massive changes in the global economy caused by the pandemic. The pandemic has forced businesses to innovate swiftly and persistently to manage the devastating effects the health crisis… Read more »
Artificial intelligence in marketing is still new. But here are some ways it's already taking hold.
Modern technologies such as AI in B2B marketing are reshaping business reality. What was seen as science fiction a mere decade ago is slowly becoming a normal way of doing business in technologically advanced segments of economy. Where automation was the main trend in the beginning of 2000s or earlier, the 2020s are slowly taking… Read more »