B2B manufacturers have very small target audiences. How do you zero in to maximize your efforts?
As industrial marketing professionals we are still learning about how to leverage big data for audience targeting, audience segmentation, and intent. Targeting is simple at its core — defining a specific customer prospect audience — but wicked hard in execution and practice. In the industrial B2B sectors, our universe of buyers is undoubtedly small, so having… Read more »
You may have tried a CRM but did you implement it the right way? Do it correctly to grow.
A successful CRM implementation will boost revenue per B2B sales person by 41 percent. Marketing teams who have access to a company-wide CRM deliver three times more revenue than marketing teams without real-time access to customer information. The elongated industrial buying process is challenging, but it offers numerous opportunities to check in with prospects, and… Read more »
Customers may come to you for your solutions. But customer service will keep them coming back.
Great customer service is important whether you’re running a B2C or a B2B company. However, just like there is a difference between industrial marketing and consumer marketing, how you deliver customer service significantly varies when you are talking about B2B customer service vs. B2C customer service. B2C companies offer products and services directly to consumers,… Read more »