It's always nice to know where you're going — and how close you are to getting there.
As more and more marketing moves online, having a solid digital marketing measurement model is increasingly important because it lets you know if you are succeeding or failing and whether you need to try something else. Creating your own digital marketing measurement model will tell you what effect your marketing efforts are having on your… Read more »
Pasting text from Word to your website is frustrating. Well, it's not you. It's the WYSIWYG.
Content creators want an easy way to edit and style text. Developers want bug-free websites. SEO mavens want clean semantic HTML markup. The go-to solution for these groups is typically a rich text editor similar to Microsoft Word, often called a WYSIWYG editor. However, the sad truth is that most WYSIWYG editors are awful. The go-to… Read more »
Some of your site traffic may be fake. Learn how to remove this illegitimate data from your reporting.
Ghost traffic (or phantom traffic) is fake traffic and data, particularly referrals, that hackers insert into your Google Analytics dashboard in order to get you to visit their (the hackers’) websites. In this article, we’ll look at how Google Analytics works, how hackers exploit it to insert malicious ghost traffic, and what you can do… Read more »
Everyone wants click-throughs for those search engine results. Here's a way to get them.
Making your search results stand out from others can be a big advantage for B2B industrial websites (and all sites really). Many do this by running paid search engine marketing campaigns. But there is also an unpaid, straightforward way to improve the look of all of your organic results that can have more wide-reaching benefits… Read more »
Hate it when a site loads slowly? Hate it more when your site loads slowly? You need this.
In 2010, Google announced that site speed affects search rankings. If your site loads slowly, it will rank lower in search results. That alone should be enough to get you thinking about speeding up your site. Research by Akamai Technologies, Inc. (2009) reinforces Google’s assertion. Akamai’s study measured users’ patience with site loading. The results… Read more »