Workforce recruitment marketing continues to be wicked hard for manufacturers and industrials these days. Heck, it’s hard for pretty much everyone. Prospects have many choices, and they know how to find openings and conduct quick research to see if a job description and company is of interest to them. The good news is that your… Read more »
Manufacturing is a competitive industry. There are more than 500,000 manufacturing businesses in the U.S. alone, which means an ocean of potential competitors. As it becomes increasingly challenging to stand out, manufacturing marketing has become essential. Online advertising provides plenty of opportunities to distinguish yourself from competitors, as its lower cost of marketing enables more… Read more »
The industrial sector is unique in so many ways, and one of them is branding. It’s always been difficult for manufacturers, distributors and logistics companies to communicate what they do through their name and branding. That’s why we chose to focus the latest episode of the Industrial Marketer podcast around the idea of industrial branding…. Read more »
Companies with an engineering or technology focus still find it difficult to move beyond thinking in terms of “technologically superior” products and services to take a customer-centric perspective instead.
“You’ve got to stay right on the leading edge in order to be a competitive production shop,” shared Barclay A. Townsend, president of Townsend Machine, Inc., when we asked how important it is for a manufacturing company to look up to date. I recently interviewed several manufacturing companies on this topic and all agreed that… Read more »
Brand awareness is one of the most important aspects of running your business and B2B brand awareness can be a real challenge, especially when you consider that most of the existing literature about branding focuses on B2C marketing. Here’s what you need to know to take your industrial business’s brand to the next level. How… Read more »
Unfortunately, many of today’s industrial business leaders can’t provide a satisfactory answer to the question “What is industrial marketing?” since they suffer from a lack of understanding of what industrial marketing is and what it can do to help them be competitive and grow their businesses. For leading industrial brands, however, marketing has become virtually… Read more »
B2B brand strategy is arguably the most critical component in laying a proper foundation for downstream sales and marketing initiatives — especially for industrials who compete in crowded spaces and sell commodity products. But despite its importance, brand strategy is a concept that’s widely misunderstood and rarely implemented. Some might believe that it’s all about… Read more »
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