Industrial e-commerce is growing exponentially. For one, you have the growth of the e-commerce industry, which is backed by industrial facilities such as warehouses and fulfillment centers. The Urban Land Institute projects that 30 percent of all retail shopping will happen online by 2025, which has contributed to a boom in warehouse construction across the… Read more »
Imagine if grocery stores didn’t display pricing. You’d be outraged if Kroger forced you to request a quote on bread and milk. Likewise, it would leave a bad taste in your mouth if an electrician didn’t give you an estimate for rewiring your kitchen. You’d never hire him or her to do the work. That’s… Read more »
In 2010, Google announced that site speed affects search rankings. If your site loads slowly, it will rank lower in search results. That alone should be enough to get you thinking about speeding up your site. Research by Akamai Technologies, Inc. (2009) reinforces Google’s assertion. Akamai’s study measured users’ patience with site loading. The results… Read more »
Whether you know it or not, you’ve visited a responsive website in the last week while surfing the wonderful World Wide Web. And even if you don’t know what a responsive website is, you’ve probably heard people throwing around the “responsive” buzzword for some time now. If you need to get up to speed, or… Read more »
Last year, I worked on a marketing campaign to promote Manufacturing Day, which is an annual occasion in October when manufacturers across the United States open their doors and show people in their communities what modern manufacturing really looks like. This year (2014), Manufacturing Day falls on October 3. One of the key projects for… Read more »
There are two main strategies for making a website mobile-ready: adaptive design and responsive design. In most cases, a responsive website will the best fit for B2B businesses. But for those who want to create mobile experiences that are significantly different than those provided by standard desktop websites, or for those who have a client… Read more »
Industrial clients often ask us, “Is a responsive website worth the extra development cost?” We remind them their website isn’t just for them, it’s for their customers — and customers often start the buying process on tablets or smartphones. Note: If you’re unfamiliar with responsive web design and how it works, please check out Don’t… Read more »
We’ve all seen them — websites that cram too much information onto one page without providing a clear hierarchy or structure. When doing UX (user experience) design, you have to make it easy for your audience to find information or they’ll go elsewhere. Your job as an industrial marketer is to organize information in a way… Read more »
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