There are a lot of e-commerce platforms available and it can be hard for business owners in the industrial sector to figure out what’s right for them. Many industrials are B2B, whereas most e-commerce platforms are tailored specifically for the needs of B2C retailers and fail to provide support for the needs of B2Bs —… Read more »
Author: Joey Strawn
Author Posts
Industrial Digital Marketing Roundup
“The inventor gives to the world creations which are palpable, which live and work.” —Nikola Tesla We talk about technology a lot in the Industrial Digital Marketing Roundup — and with good reason. When it comes to advancements in how we do business as industrials, inventions and the merging of life with technology take center… Read more »
XML Feeds for Online Recruitment Campaigns
For industries that need a constant stream of new job applicants, such as logistics, job recruitment campaigns involve posting hundreds of jobs to dozens of job boards. Sounds like quite the ongoing project, right? Well yes, but fortunately you can automate things using XML feeds. XML feeds are commonly used by job-search websites, such as Indeed, Monster,… Read more »
Industrial Digital Marketing Roundup
“The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” —William Faulkner 2015 was a big year. Between intergalactic movie releases, rising international tensions, and shifting interpersonal communication options, it’s honestly hard to sum up all that transpired. Specifically within the industrial sector, 2015 was a year of great gains: Manufacturing Day had its largest attendance yet, GE… Read more »
Tools of the Trade: Native Advertising
“The greatest danger to our future is apathy.” —Jane Goodall So, what is “Native Advertising?” In the simplest terms, native advertisements are paid placements within a content channel where the ad units mimic the style and tone of the surrounding content. So, if it’s a news outlet, the paid placement will look and read like… Read more »
What Is Integrated Marketing (and Why Does It Matter for B2Bs)?
“Come together, right now.” —John Lennon It’s a demonstration I’m sure you’ve seen: a presenter holds up one stick and has a volunteer show how easy it is to break that stick in half. Then, the presenter holds up a bundle of 20–25 of the same-sized sticks and asks the volunteer to break that in half… Read more »
How to Get Rid of Ghost Traffic in Google Analytics
Ghost traffic (or phantom traffic) is fake traffic and data, particularly referrals, that hackers insert into your Google Analytics dashboard in order to get you to visit their (the hackers’) websites. In this article, we’ll look at how Google Analytics works, how hackers exploit it to insert malicious ghost traffic, and what you can do… Read more »
Industrial Digital Marketing Roundup
“Machines take me by surprise with great frequency.” —Alan Turing Alan Turing has been getting a lot of attention lately. From being portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch in an Oscar-nominated film about his life and work to the increased interest in researching and creating “superintelligence,” an evolution of Turing’s theories about artificial intelligence and an area… Read more »